I ate lumpy mashed potatoes tonight. Why you might ask? I grew up on them for one thing. I love potatoes. My mom always mashed them with a fork. She didn’t own a masher tool back then, but that didn’t matter. Dad poured the hot water off, and she loaded the pan up with some milk, butter, salt and pepper, and mashed away. So with age and a family of my own, I mashed with the fork until I discovered the potato masher. The potatoes were still lumpy but those are simply what came with my favorite side dish. Until….
Twelve years ago, my grandkids were visiting for Thanksgiving. It didn’t happen often since many miles separated us. I made my usual traditional dinner which, of course, included mashed potatoes. My six-year-old grandson then announced loudly that he wouldn’t eat that horrible stuff because it had lumps in it. I was crushed! I’d whipped them with a fork, added all the right ingredients. Not good enough.
“Well,” his mom explained, “I always whip them with the mix-master.”
“I don’t have one of those. I’ve never had one. But I do have a little yellow hand-held beater I got as a wedding present in 1957. I’ll try it but they’ll be just like those fake potatoes!”
To my credit, I didn’t get up and do it right then, but I have many times since because it does work well, and I’ve never forgotten the learning lesson Luke gave me. Heaven forbid my grandson wouldn’t like my mashed potatoes!
So tonight, as I dined by myself since my hubby is out of town, I went to get my mixer thing only to remember it had died of old age a few weeks ago. It was 57 years old and deserved to be put to rest.
So I made lumpy potatoes. And they were really good and reminded me of yesteryear when there was absolutely nothing wrong with them…especially when smothered in butter with the fixings! Yummy! Hang the calories…it’s been snowing all day and that’s the best comfort food in the world! It was perfect as I was listening to “Moments to Remember” on PBS. {smile}
Thanks Mom, wherever you are!
I love lumpy mashed potatoes, which is how Doug makes them. At first I was dubious about them because I had always whipped mine with a mixer, making them creamy and smooth. I’m amazed that you had a mixer almost as old as I am. Keep up the blog, Judy! I love your work.
Thanks, Annie! I didn’t think anyone ever read them so I lose my enthusiasm. Now I need to write another!!
Your lump potatoes are brilliant! And so are the smooth ones. Your youngest son, Tom :o)