Have any of you once had a passion, a love of doing something creative, something that allowed the real you to come through and bring you joy? Perhaps it was painting landscapes or portraits, dancing, playing a musical instrument, or maybe it was writing. Then life seems to get in the way. We have careers, not always what we’d necessarily choose, or it could be marriage and a family (and having children can definitely stall the process, albeit in a good way), and a whole myriad of things occur that seem to bury joyful pursuits we once had…our passion.
My husband, Jim, started singing at the age of five, had leads in school plays, and with a friend, played Kingston Trio type music to put themselves through college. His voice is beautiful…and yes, he wooed and won me in piano bars many years ago. I didn’t have a chance {smile} . So many years went by with his talent on the back burner. And now, finally, my silver fox is really enjoying entertaining and hearing the applause…and so am I!
I, too, had dreams of being an actor, a dancer and a writer. I accomplished the first in college and Community Theater. I still love dancing (especially the jitterbug) once a week at our local bistro. My love of the written word started as soon as I learned how to print somewhere around age 4-5. I painstakingly printed out copies of a journal about neighborhood families, and happily distributed them door to door. The passion followed through high school and college. Then marriage and kids took precedence until they began school when I once again began a newsletter for the grade schools in Los Altos Hills, CA. That was back in the mimeograph days, and I was covered in purple ink most of the time! I called it “The Pur-Bul News,” short for Purissima and Bullis schools—and it was, indeed, purple.
Years later when I returned to college for a BA in Journalism, I interned for a newspaper but fell in love with television production. That was a different way of being creative—teaching, shooting and editing a public service program every week for the Reno ABC affiliate. Much has happened since then, including divorce and marriage to Jim.
A lot of time had passed from my original dreams to finally publishing my first book, “EarthShift—the Ancients Called it the Shift of the Ages.” This was followed by “Soul Shift—2012 and Beyond” a few years later. And now my third book has been published! “Ageless! Never too Old, Never too Late.” Non-fiction, it’s good advice served with humor, from the heart and experiences of an “older” woman. It’s incredibly exciting to still be creating. It’s never too late!
How wonderful would it be if you, too, could hang onto those talents and passions of yours through your life, to enjoy the fulfillment as soon as you can. There’s no doubt the world will be better if you do—and so will you!!