“Soul Shift – 2012 and Beyond” written by Judith Horky has been named First Runner-up in the Visionary Fiction category by COVR, the Coalition of Visionary Resources. The award was given at INATS, the International New Age Trade Show ̶ West, held in Denver on June 25th.
As Judith says, “When positive feedback like that has to do with your dream, your passion, it feels really wonderful.” She is also a Finalist for the Eric Hoffer Award for independent books, and for the Montaigne Medal given for a “thought provoking title, a book that illuminates, progresses or redirects thought.” All great news! thought-provoking title(s). These are books that either illuminate, progress, or redirect thought.
A few years ago, she wrote “EarthShift – the Ancients called it the Shift of the Ages,” the first book of the series. She claims you’re never too old and it’s never too late which is the concept of her next book, a non-fiction for “older” women. Judith lives in Pagosa Springs, Colorado.