Some of my favorite books and new age authors…
Many of these books served as inspirations for the
‘EarthShift’ Series…
Agartha, by Meredith Young-Sowers
This story of Meredith’s personal discovery will change your life forever. It did mine. Her story will help you to understand the deeper mysteries of life and stimulate new levels of personal growth and awareness.
Awakening to Zero Point, by Gregg Braden
Combining the metaphysical with the scientific gives credibility to Braden’s theories. His video and books speak to the future and will shift your feelings and beliefs of what is happening in our world and why.
The Treasure of El Dorado, by Joseph Whitfield
For those seeking the truth, this is the story of a magnificent treasure hunt. In the end, you’ll discover that the treasure is far greater than you could possibly have anticipated in the beginning.
Table Tipping: The Key to Spiritual and Psychic Development, by Angela M. Mattey
The techniques introduced in this book completely transform an old fashioned spiritualist’s tool into a safe, modern and profoundly personal spiritual awareness experience. Once you’ve experienced it, you can’t go back…and you won’t want to.
For fun reading, I love all of Diana Gabaldon’s books beginning with “Outlander…”. Also recommended: Nora Roberts and Judith McNault.
Dan Brown keeps me turning pages. His The DaVinci Code is outstanding.
Reaching to Heaven and Talking to Heaven, by James Van Praagh
Both of these books are uplifting and comforting. He is a truly gifted medium and gives inspiration to those that have lost a loved one. His guidance on how to eliminate the fear of loss and to communicate with those on the other side is excellent.
The Celestine Prophecy, The Tenth Insight and The Secret of Shambala, by James Redfield.
His first book took the world by storm and he continued to feed the hungry and searching hearts of readers with the others. People were (and still are) seeking answers, and Redfield opened the door to new and exciting possibilities. Learning through fictional stories is painless and enjoyable.
Many Lives Many Masters, by Brian L. Weiss, M.D.
This is an intriguing story of reincarnation and healing. Weiss is a gifted hypnotherapist and brings forward information through the use of past life regression.
Notes From the Cosmos, by Gordon-Michael Scallion
Many of his predictions have been eerily accurate. Some of the dates may be off, but that’s partly because the people of the world are raising their own level of consciousness, and that can keep many earth changes in abeyance or amiliorated.
Key to Yourself, by Venice Bloodworth
A fascinating gem, this is one of the first books of “new thought” that I read. It’s short and to the point. I’ve given many away as gifts.
The Mists of Avalon, The Forest House and The Lady of Avalon, by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Her first in this trilogy is one of the best books I’ve ever read. I didn’t want it to end and had a difficult time reading anything else for a long time. The story of King Arthur and Merlin through a woman’s eyes gives a whole new perspective to Camelot.
Emmanuel’s Book, Book II and Book III, by Pat Rodegast and Judith Stanton
All three books are filled with wonderful insights, knowledge and guidance from a Higher Source. They are all inspiring and delightful.
Contact, by Carl Sagan
The book is excellent, but the movie affected me emotionally on many levels. I highly recommend either or both.
One Last Time, by John Edward
John has stepped into the world of television and has gathered an astounding number of followers. His messages from those who have crossed over bring comfort and closure to his guests. This is his story.
Out on a Limb, by Shirley MacLaine
“I’m not alone!” That was my first reaction when I read this book. Her celebrity and honesty gave credibility to a new reality, and although she took a lot of heat for it, I felt nothing but joy and comfort. It’s a wonderful read.
Far Journeys, by Robert A. Monroe
He is famous for his experiments with out of body travel. His experiences and those of others are fascinating and tempting.
Embraced by the Light, by Betty J. Eadie I’m intrigued with stories and information of life on the other side and our ability to communicate with spirits. Eadie is a good writer who shares her knowledge beautifully.
As a Man Thinketh, by James Allen in 1904, edited as As You Think, by Marc Allen in 1991
The suggestion that the thoughts that you choose create your life is presented in an easy to read way. What you achieve or don’t achieve in life has a direct correlation to what you believe. Change your thoughts and you change you life…easier said than done!
Angelic Messenger Cards: A Divination System for Spiritual Discovery, by Meredith Young-Sowers.
Absolutely beautiful cards that, amazingly, seem to give you the daily guidance that exactly fits your needs.